Working With Your Auto Insurance CompanyWorking With Your Auto Insurance Company

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Working With Your Auto Insurance Company

Over the years, you can really struggle with your car. From surprise accidents to issues with damaged windshields, it can be pricy to have a car, much less replace it when things go wrong. Without the right auto insurance policy, you could even end up paying for repairs and other improvements on your own, costing you loads of time and money. The purpose of this website is to make it easier for other people to identify issues with their cars, so they can take care of things quickly and easily. Read more about tips for improving your car, so you won't have to worry about problems.

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4 Important Types Of Insurance To Carry As A Truck Driver

If you are running an owner-operated trucking operation, you need to make sure you are protecting yourself with the right insurance. The right insurance is key to making sure that no obstacle you encounter will take away your means of supporting yourself and sink your business. The right trucking insurance, when the wrong thing happens, can save your business.

Insurance Type #1: Cargo Insurance

When you are transporting cargo, you want to make sure that cargo is properly insured in case something happens to the cargo. If the cargo were to get lost or damaged while it is in your possession, the insurance would provide you with money to replace the cargo or refund the company for who you were transporting the cargo.

One thing to keep in mind about cargo insurance, though is that there are lots of exceptions on what it will cover and coverage limits. Read your policy carefully, and if you are transporting something that exceeds the coverage limits, or is not a covered item, be sure to get a special rider to cover those items.

Insurance Type #2: Terminal Coverage

Sometimes, goods are loaded up onto a truck. Then the truck has to wait for a set period of time before getting on the road. This may be because of maintenance or staffing issues. Whatever the reason, this covers any goods you are transporting as cargo when you are not on the road and in the act of moving the goods. This type of coverage only lasts for a set amount of time.

Insurance Type #3: Warehouse Coverage

If you are going to be holding onto goods for more than three days, you are going to want to invest in warehouse coverage. Warehouse coverage will protect goods that you store at a specific warehouse address from loss. You need this coverage if you have a warehouse where goods are held before they are shipping out for an extended period of time.

Insurance Type #4: Non-Owned Trailer Liability & Physical Damage

If you are ever tasked with pulling a trailer with your cab that you don't personally own, you are going to want to make sure you get non-owned trailer liability and physical damage coverage. This will protect the trailer if it gets damaged, or if the trailer causes damage to someone else while you are pulling it.

As an owner-operator, you need to carry more than basic auto and liability insurance on your truck. You may need certain specialized insurance coverage if you are pulling someone else's trailers, or if you are holding goods for any period of time before transporting them. Talk to an insurance representative about the specific type of work your trucking business does to discover the exact type of coverage you need to protect your business and yourself.