Working With Your Auto Insurance CompanyWorking With Your Auto Insurance Company

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Working With Your Auto Insurance Company

Over the years, you can really struggle with your car. From surprise accidents to issues with damaged windshields, it can be pricy to have a car, much less replace it when things go wrong. Without the right auto insurance policy, you could even end up paying for repairs and other improvements on your own, costing you loads of time and money. The purpose of this website is to make it easier for other people to identify issues with their cars, so they can take care of things quickly and easily. Read more about tips for improving your car, so you won't have to worry about problems.

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Did Your Teen Just Get A License To Drive? 3 Potential Ways To Keep Them Safe And Reduce Auto Insurance Costs

Parents often feel a mix of emotions when their teenagers succeed in earning a license to drive. On one hand, parents are proud of their teen's accomplishments and many also look forward to the increased convenience of having help with running errands and driving to school functions. On the other hand, parents often have some concerns about their child's safety as a new driver and how the addition of a young driver will affect the family's car insurance costs. 

Parents who want to help keep their teen drivers safe behind the wheel while attempting to moderate rising car insurance premiums will want to pay attention to the following proactive tips. 

Instill confidence behind the wheel

Teen drivers who have successfully completed defensive driving courses and spent plenty of practice time behind the wheel with a parent or responsible adult are much more likely to have the confidence and knowledge that will help them stay safe and avoid accidents while driving. Many insurance companies offer discounted premiums for new drivers that have successfully completed driver training courses through either their high school or through an accredited driver training program. 

While this type of training is key, parents can strengthen their children's abilities to drive safely, especially in congested traffic or extreme weather situations, by riding along with them frequently over a period of several weeks or months before allowing the child to drive alone. 

Insist on proactive rules for teen drivers

Parents, along with their teens, may also want to sit down with their insurance broker or agent to discuss the subject of safe teen driving. Auto insurance companies maintain databases of information about traffic accidents that can help both parents and teen drivers understand the dangers of poor driving habits. 

Using information about the most common causes for teen traffic accidents, parents can set proactive rules that will help their children avoid accidents and stay safe while driving. Some of these rules should include: 

  • turning mobile phones off while driving so that teens can stay focused on the road
  • limiting passenger numbers to one to avoid distractions from the backseat
  • limiting the hours and mileage the teen is allowed to drive

Insure a less costly vehicle 

Parents who limit their child to a less costly vehicle may also enjoy less costly insurance premiums on their new driver. In most cases, it is wise to avoid putting teen drivers into new vehicles, or one that is considered to be luxury, high performance or sporty. Instead, families typically find it less expensive to have their teen drive the family's older sedan or a more mid-range vehicle. 

Scheduling a discussion with a reputable insurance broker or agent in the months before your teen gets their license to drive will help parents understand their options for both helping to keep their child safe behind the wheel and moderating the costs of insuring a new teen driver.